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It's Over Go Home - Show Closer

Sequence It's Over Go Home - Show Closer

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Song Name
It's Over Go Home
Matthew Broderick
It's Over Go Home

FREE SEQUENCE from Listen To Our Lights "It's Over Go Home" by Matthew Broderick from the closing credits of the "Ferris Bueller's Day Off" movie. I was finding that it wasn't obvious enough that my show was over so I figured this would be a good ending sequence.
Link to Sequence: Its Over Go Home - Matthew Broderick (Lyrics).zip
Video Preview (2023):
xLights Visualization:

Xlights Version: 2023.15 64-bit
Timing: 25 ms (40 fps)
Duration: 15.635s

"Its Over Go Home - Matthew Broderick.xsq" - This file contains the xLights programming information for the sequence
xlights_rgbeffects.xml - This file contains the layout information for ListenToOurLights display
xlights_networks.xml - This file contains the network information for the ListenToOurLights display
Videos/OhYeah_SINGLE_chika.mp4 - This video file used on one of the megatrees at tail end of sequence.
Images/layout_guide.PNG - image describing xLights layout groups used to sequence this song
Audio/Go Home Its Over - Matthew Broderick.mp3 - Audio file for this sequence.
Video/OhYeah_SINGLE_chika.mp4 - Used at very end of the sequence

[Contact Info]
Sequence Author: John Storms
Email: listentoourlights@gmail.com
Youtube: http://youtube.com/listentoourlights <-- please subscribe
Website: Listen To Our Lights
Facebook: Listen to our Lights

"It's Over Go Home" by Matthew Broderick from the closing credits of the "Ferris Bueller's Day Off" movie.

Audio file included.

How I created the audio file:
1. Used en.onlymp3.to to convert the youtube clip to an mp3
Movie Clip:
"Ferris Bueller Ending Credits" posted by Billy Tunis
2. Pulled resulting mp3 into Audacity v3.3.3
3. Delete from 0 to 6.395 seconds
4. Delete from 10.185 to 12.198 seconds
5. From 0 to 12.317s Effect->Volume and Compression->Normalize: -0.5Db
6. From 12.435 to 15.135s (end) Effect->Volume and Compression->Normalize: -1Db
7. Generate a half second of silence at the end.
8. At 12.429s Generate->Silence->Duration:0.5s
9. File->Export as mp3. Bit rate mode: Constant, Quality: 128 kbps; Channel Mode: Joint stereo; "Its Over Go Home - Matthew Broderick.mp3"

[Layout Notes]
Display contains 2 megatrees with matrixes encircling the trunks, 13 white wire twig trees in a treeline, 9 reindeer and sleigh, pixel icicle lights, a mess of coro snowflakes, and a pixelized cactus.

See Images/layout_guide.PNG for layout information.
G1 - refers to the one car garage
G2 - refers to the two car garage
T1 - refers to the left side of the house (left peak and below)
T2 - refers to the middle part of the house (there's a bathroom here)
T3 - refers to the right side of the house (right peak and below)
_ - Group names start with underscore
Goto "Display Elements" and select "ListenToOurLights" view and set to be master view.


You're still here?
Its over.
Go home.
chick a chick A.

[Singing Tree]
Purchased "EFL Singing Tree" with star topper from EFL-Designs.com in December 2021.
Tree has 300 WS2811 bullet pixels and the star topper has 50 pixels for a total of 350 pixels.
Tree model was downloaded from EFL-Designs.com and Star model used xlights native star model.
Star model is configured as 1 string of 50 Nodes/String with 2 layers with an Outer to Inner Ratio of 2.62

[3D Model]
ArrowWood 4199578.obj/.mtl was created with SketchUp Pro 2021 version 21.0.339 64-bit (Free Evaluation) using a .skp file generated by Hover app as input.
squarebush*.obj/mtl was created using Blender v2.79b
bigtree.obj/mtl was created using Blender v2.79b
Defined ruler with G2 Garage width = 190.75"
Sequence Video
  1. Video Link Added
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