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A modern, easy to navigate, simple to use site to share your very own created xLights Sequences.
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Recent content by bbguy5

  1. B

    Sequence & Lyrics A million gruesome ways to die - updated files

    Looks like I might have been missing some files for upload. Here they are
  2. B

    Halloween Sequence A million gruesome ways to die

    bbguy5 updated A million gruesome ways to die with a new update entry: updated files Read the rest of this update entry...
  3. B

    Halloween Sequence A million gruesome ways to die

    Let me look and make sure I added all the files.
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    Sequence & Lyrics A million gruesome ways to die

    Please be gentle, I haven't had a whole lot of time to sequence this. Song is from a game in Alpha release that is my kids favorite video to watch on YouTube! Billie Bustup - A million gruesome ways to die!
  5. B

    Halloween Sequence A million gruesome ways to die

    bbguy5 submitted a new sequence: A million gruesome ways to die Read more about this resource...
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