Welcome to xLights Sequences

A modern, easy to navigate, simple to use site to share your very own created xLights Sequences.
Not only that, we offer a marketplace where you can sell your own sequences or showcase them as a vendor!

Recent content by ShellNZ

  1. S

    Christmas Sequence Sleigh ride - Pentatonix [Deleted]

    This resource has been removed and is no longer available.
  2. S

    Miscellaneous Sequence Bundle of 20 sequences (Christmas and other)

    I havent had a show myself since 2019. I had 2 megatrees, plain RGB stars and snowflakes and arches?
  3. S

    Hiya Ron, sorry I have only just seen this message as I have changed my email. I think I may...

    Hiya Ron, sorry I have only just seen this message as I have changed my email. I think I may still have the mp3, but not the XL files?
  4. S

    Good morning Sorry for the delay, I no longer use the email account that was attached to this...

    Good morning Sorry for the delay, I no longer use the email account that was attached to this website, thankfully I just noticed your Paypal payment this morning!! I have now changed the email address so I will receive notification. I do not appear to be able to find/see your email address to...
  5. S

    Paid Sequence & Lyrics You're welcome - Dwayne Johnson

    Also available as part of my 22 sequence bundle - Paid Sequence - Bundle of 22 sequences (Christmas and other)
  6. S

    Music Sequence You're welcome - Dwayne Johnson

    ShellNZ submitted a new resource: You're welcome - Dwayne Johnson Read more about this resource...
  7. S

    Christmas Sequence Xmas Megamix 2

    ShellNZ submitted a new resource: Xmas Megamix 2 Read more about this resource...
  8. S

    Paid Sequence Xmas Megamix 2

    Featuring Jingle Bells, I saw mommy kissing Santa Claus, Let it snow, Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer. Also available as part of my 22 sequence bundle - Paid Sequence - Bundle of 22 sequences (Christmas and other)
  9. S

    Paid Sequence Xmas Megamix 1

    Features Amazing Grace, Grandma got run over, Feliz Navidad, Marys boy child, Snoopys Christmas, All I want for Christmas. Also available as part of my 22 sequence bundle - Paid Sequence - Bundle of 22 sequences (Christmas and other)
  10. S

    Christmas Sequence Xmas Megamix 1

    ShellNZ submitted a new resource: Xmas Megamix 1 Read more about this resource...
  11. S

    Paid Sequence Winter Wonderland

    Also available as part of my 22 sequence bundle - Paid Sequence - Bundle of 22 sequences (Christmas and other)
  12. S

    Christmas Sequence Winter Wonderland

    ShellNZ submitted a new resource: Winter Wonderland Read more about this resource...
  13. S

    Music Sequence Thunder - Imagine Dragons

    ShellNZ submitted a new resource: Thunder - Imagine Dragons Read more about this resource...
  14. S

    Paid Sequence & Lyrics Thunder - Imagine Dragons

    Also available as part of my 22 sequence bundle - Paid Sequence - Bundle of 22 sequences (Christmas and other)
  15. S

    Paid Sequence The Show must go on - Queen

    Also available as part of my 22 sequence bundle - Paid Sequence - Bundle of 22 sequences (Christmas and other)
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