Welcome to xLights Sequences

A modern, easy to navigate, simple to use site to share your very own created xLights Sequences.
Not only that, we offer a marketplace where you can sell your own sequences or showcase them as a vendor!

Search results

  1. Rudolph

    Music Sequence 2023 - Lights On Cypress Oaks - Stick Figure - Paradise

    Thank you for sharing. Very nice sequence
  2. Rudolph

    Christmas Sequence Dinosaurs of Jurassic Park

    Bonjour, C'est super ! Les Dinosaures de Jurassic Park qui traversent la séquence. Mais 35$ le pack Mp4
  3. Rudolph

    Christmas Sequence The Lion King - The Circle of Life

    Un grand merci pour cette séquence, très agréable à regarder
  4. Rudolph

    Hello, I do not speak English. Thank you for sharing the Ed Sheeran & Elton John - Merry...

    Hello, I do not speak English. Thank you for sharing the Ed Sheeran & Elton John - Merry Christmas footage. Unable to fully get your sequence. I only get the vertical and horizontal lines? Please let me know if this is normal. Cordially.
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