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Sequence 3 Halloween Intermission Animation Sequences (No music)

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This is a collection of 3 Halloween-themed "intermission" animated scenes plus a matrix countdown I made last year to use between shows. Nothing fancy. I attached some stills to give you an idea and a video here with a 15-second preview of each.
  • Fire and Blood
  • On Fire
  • Orange-Purple Flashing Outline
  • Countdown
Sequence Video
  1. Video Link Added
  • Orange-Purple Flashing Outline.png
    Orange-Purple Flashing Outline.png
    841.7 KB · Views: 1,433
  • On Fire.png
    On Fire.png
    877.8 KB · Views: 1,417
  • Fire and Blood.png
    Fire and Blood.png
    849.1 KB · Views: 1,406
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