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Flight of the Navigator - Robot Romp

Music Sequence Flight of the Navigator - Robot Romp

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[30-Jul-2024] Currently the file is sitting in '_New(UploadHere)' on the xLights shared Google drive.

Few 'extras' to the sequence:
  • White segment with pixel of orange runs across the roof line over the sequence. Just like David would be traveling in the R.A.L.F during the song.
  • Red beacon light on whenever the R.A.L.F's beacon light is seen.
  • Garage icicle (in the form of a matrix) open curtain effect like the sliding door at the begging.
  • Tree blue open & closing segment like the roller door towards the end. Not perfectly in line because I removed the song lead-out.
  • Star from orange to green on access granted panel. Not perfectly in line because I removed the song lead-out.
Not in the 2023 or 2022 video is 'blinders' above the garage.
Also not in the 2022 or 2023 is the beacon light mentioned, that's this:
The days of Vixen - I'm yet to add this beacon light into xLights.
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