Welcome to xLights Sequences

A modern, easy to navigate, simple to use site to share your very own created xLights Sequences.
Not only that, we offer a marketplace where you can sell your own sequences or showcase them as a vendor!

The Greatest Gift – A Family Christmas

Christmas Sequence The Greatest Gift – A Family Christmas

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Logged in to say thanks to wld_4 for sharing your sequences. I love that "theme" you have of the shadow running across your display. Also how beautiful your sequences are with minimal elements. Those who are just starting would do good to study your display and your sequencing and those with "video screens" could use something like your sequences directly to "quiet down" their displays. Great job.


Sequence Sharer
Model Sharer
Logged in to say thanks to wld_4 for sharing your sequences. I love that "theme" you have of the shadow running across your display. Also how beautiful your sequences are with minimal elements. Those who are just starting would do good to study your display and your sequencing and those with "video screens" could use something like your sequences directly to "quiet down" their displays. Great job.
Totally agree with what you have put and these all map across well even if you dont have the same models and groups
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