Welcome to xLights Sequences

A modern, easy to navigate, simple to use site to share your very own created xLights Sequences.
Not only that, we offer a marketplace where you can sell your own sequences or showcase them as a vendor!

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Halloween Sequence The Purge Intro 2024 Halloween - BFE Lights

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BFE Lights

Sequence Sharer
hello mate ive downloads but nothing in the folder when i open in to xlights and when it does it opens to your house
I downloaded the zip file from xlightsseq on a old laptop, that has an old version of xLights and has nothing to do with this years show.
Extracted the files and it opened right up even my controllers and the CAD drawing of my house. It may be on your end. Maybe, this is my first sequence to upload. I am still trying to figure it out....
the file is just double zipped
if your after the sound file or anything you'll have to unzip it a second time

BFE Lights

Sequence Sharer
Because that's what I did, I packaged it in XLights then zipped it. So I need to upload the packaged file from XLights without zipping?
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