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Wire Frame Deer

Model Wire Frame Deer 2022.1

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ListenToOurLights submitted a new resource:

Wire Frame Deer

These are wire frame deer bought from Lowes, Home Depot, yard sales, friends selling their deer etc.

At one point I did a detailed 3d model of each pixel, but I found that I liked the effects on my simply polygon deer better. They especially look good on the single strand effect going up and down. Deer look like they are jumping.

I use 250 pixels on each of the 8 big deer. I start on the bottom of the right back leg go up to the tail, then down and up the other leg, the torso, then the...

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I have 5 of these same Lowes deer. Did you happen to make an xlights model that you I could import to help recreate your idea?

Thank you,

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