Welcome to xLights Sequences

A modern, easy to navigate, simple to use site to share your very own created xLights Sequences.
Not only that, we offer a marketplace where you can sell your own sequences or showcase them as a vendor!

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  1. Auctioneer

    Newcomer that wants to go big for 2024!

    Ok thank you. I'll read all those links. Going 12v for sure
  2. Auctioneer

    Newcomer that wants to go big for 2024!

    Awesome! Thank you for your valued input. I'm definitely doing my research before I place some large orders.
  3. Auctioneer

    Newcomer that wants to go big for 2024!

    Thank you for the info! I went to that website, and Holy crap! They have everything, but I just don't know which lights to pick, there must be a thousand different ones... I even see power supplies by the 10 pack! Makes them only like $19 bucks a piece. I may have to spend some time...
  4. Auctioneer

    Newcomer that wants to go big for 2024!

    That is a good answer to know, once I figure out my props, then I'll know closer to what the damage will be LOL. about a buck per pixel
  5. Auctioneer

    Newcomer that wants to go big for 2024!

    PS @maht87, thanks for sharing your show, love it!, looks great for a three year show, especially after what you said about hodge-podging it together! If you don't mind, can I ask about what you have wrapped up in it to make it look that good so far?
  6. Auctioneer

    Newcomer that wants to go big for 2024!

    Hey maht87, this is exactly the kind of replies I'm looking for! Thank you for sharing. All great stuff. I do believe the 12v lights are the direction I want to go. Now, to decide if those Bullet type that I see everywhere are the safer way to go a far As maintenance when dealing with dead...
  7. Auctioneer

    Newcomer that wants to go big for 2024!

    Thanks Dave! I knew I would hear alot of that, I just don't have it in me to take it slow.
  8. Auctioneer

    Newcomer that wants to go big for 2024!

    Greetings everyone! I'd like to introduce myself, my name is Paul, an auctioneer from Colorado, and while surfing YouTube I ran into a Tom betgeorge video and it blew my mind! I'm a techy guy who loves a good challenge, and try to stay up on the latest and greatest stuff, and I thought...
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