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5 Minute Binary Countdown

Sequence 5 Minute Binary Countdown

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FREE SEQUENCE from Listen To Our Lights Great, little preshow animation "5 Minute Binary Countdown" (No music). You just need 8 of 'anything'. I put this on my treeline before the show and see if anyone can figure it out.
Link to Sequence: https://drive.google.com/file/d/19ZZK3T5Cdxwtpi4BVQm9V3GAVafb5v1x/view?usp=sharing
Video Preview:

Xlights Version: 2022.15 64-bit
Timing: 25 ms (40 fps)
Duration: 300 seconds

STATIC_5minBinaryCountdown.xsq - This file contains the xLights programming information for the sequence
xlights_rgbeffects.xml - This file contains the layout information for ListenToOurLights display
xlights_networks.xml - This file contains the network information for the ListenToOurLights display
Images/layout_guide.PNG - image describing xLights layout groups used to sequence this song

[Contact Info]
Sequence Author: John Storms
Email: listentoourlights@gmail.com
Youtube: http://youtube.com/listentoourlights <-- please subscribe
Website: Listen To Our Lights
Facebook: Listen to our Lights


[Layout Notes]
For this sequence you just need 8 channels. I used 8 trees in my treeline.

Display contains 2 megatrees with matrixes encircling the trunks, 13 white wire twig trees in a treeline, 9 reindeer and sleigh, pixel icicle lights, a mess of coro snowflakes, and a pixelized cactus.

See Images/layout_guide.PNG for layout information.
G1 - refers to the one car garage
G2 - refers to the two car garage
T1 - refers to the left side of the house (left peak and below)
T2 - refers to the middle part of the house (there's a bathroom here)
T3 - refers to the right side of the house (right peak and below)
_ - Group names start with underscore
Goto "Display Elements" and select "ListenToOurLights" view and set to be master view.

You may need to update the path information in certain effects (shader, picture, etc.). The following were used in this sequence:


Sequence Video
  1. Video Link Added
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