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Model Boscoyo Icosa Sphere Small 1.0

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Boscoyo Icosa Sphere Small
Submodels for the Boscoyo Icosa Sphere Small, 140-pixel model. Includes submodels for:
  • Top/Mid/Bottom "layers"
  • Individual Rows (9)
  • Tips (the 12 vertices of the icosahedron)
  • Fill (the negative space between the tips)
  • Side Spots (the center spot on each face)
  • Sides, submodeled two ways: as individual side submodels, and as rows in a single submodel
  • Vertical Slices
Groups have not been included, but if you have several of these props in the show they can be useful. I get the most use out of the Top/Mid/Bottom layers and the Sides submodels. This has to be the easiest prop to make effects look super slick.
First release
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