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Defying Gravity

Sequence & Lyrics Defying Gravity

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Song Name
Defying Gravity
Wicked - Idina Menzel and Kristin Chenoweth
Sequence to a slightly edited version of Defying Gravity from Wicked
Note: there have been a few minor tweaks to colours and effects since the video was recorded

My house layout is:
Ungarie House with xlights.png

All House and Props excl SingingEverything except singing - top of render list
All House and Props excl Singing CloneEverything except singing - bottom of render list - for overrides
Bats - All4 bats on roof, mini spiders in between
GE Ghost JrSingle ghost prop on house
GE Ghost Jr/Eyes
GE Ghost Jr/Outline
GE Preying SpiderSingle spider prop on house
GE Spider in WebSpider as tree topper
GE Spider in Web/Web
HorizontalsShortHouse horizontals - broken into smaller segment submodels
House LinesLines of the house - roof line, deck line, columns
House PropsProps on the house face - i.e. wreath, ghost, spider
Mega TreeMega tree - mine is 24x50
Pumpkin TriangleSinging pumpkin
Pumpkin Triangle/Eyes Closed
Pumpkin Triangle/Eyes LineAlternate eyes closed look for single effect at approx 38sec
Pumpkin Triangle/Eyes Open
Pumpkin Triangle/Nose
Pumpkin Triangle/Outline
Pumpkin Triangle/Stem
Roof PropsAll bats and mini spiders
Roof Props - Eyes
Roof Props - Outlines
Spider Minis - All4 mini spiders on roof, bats in between
Spider Minis - Bodies
Spider Minis - LegsIndividual legs separated
Spiders Large - AllGE Preying Spider on house and GE Spider in Web on mega tree
Spiders Large - Body
Spiders Large - ExtrasCross on preying spider and web on mega tree spider
Spiders Large - Eyes
Spiders Large - LegsIndividual legs separated
Trees and ToppersMegatree and GE Spider in Web
VerticalsHouse verticals
Wreath5 ring x 35 node wreath
Wreath/Counter Spiral 17x Spiral arms submodel
Wreath/Crackers5x T shaped crackers submodel
Wreath/Fan5x Thicker spiral arms submodel
Wreath/RingsEach ring as a line
Wreath/SevenStarFullSeven pointed star submodel
Sequence Video
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  1. Individual lyrics tracks

    For halloween I only had one singing prop so one lyric track was fine. For Christmas I've broken...

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Fantastic sequence my friend. VEry well done :)
Love it!!!
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