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Fall Out Boy - We Didn't Start The Fire (Billy Joel remake)

Paid Sequence Fall Out Boy - We Didn't Start The Fire (Billy Joel remake)

Song Name
We Didn't Start The Fire (Billy Joel remake)
Fall Out Boy
This is an updated version/sequel (not a cover) of the original song by Billy Joel and uses song references from 1989-2023, picking up where his left off. It took me forever just to pull all the pictures and videos for each reference used in the song (over 80!), but it was a blast seeing the song come to life.

This is definitely the most popular sequence I have done over the last couple years and is also my personal favorite. I think it has a unique feeling and people said it really stood out in my show. The mega/flat tree is definitely the star of the show, which displays something different for each pop culture reference. That could easily be put to a matrix if preferred over the tree.

There's about 70-80 hours of work in here. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did making it.

Check out the xLights preview render video.
Sequence Video
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29.99 USD
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