Holiday Road
"Holiday Road" by Lindsey Buckingham From the Album "Solo Anthology: The Best of Lindsey Buckingham (2018 Remaster)" as featured in National Lampoon's Vacation. Now with singing faces.
Link to Sequence: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1IzXReZvOzPInphdEvtPH9rpxIzILt7wZ/view?usp=sharing
Video Preview (2022):xLights Visualization of singing trees:xLights Visualization (2021):LOR Video Preview (2011):
Xlights Version: 2022.24 64-bit
Timing: 25 ms (40 fps)
Duration: 130.848s
"Holiday Road - Lindsey Buckingham.xsq" - This file contains the xLights programming information for the sequence
xlights_rgbeffects.xml - This file contains the layout information for ListenToOurLights display
xlights_networks.xml - This file contains the network information for the ListenToOurLights display
Images/layout_guide.PNG - image describing xLights layout groups used to sequence this song
LYRICS_HolidayRoad.xtiming - xLights timing track containing lyrics for singing faces
LYRICS_HolidayRoad.txt - Lyrics text
STORMS2011_HolidayRoad.lms - 96-channel Light-O-Rama sequence from 2011
STORMS2013_HolidayRoad.lms - Light-O-Rama sequence from 2013
STORMS2014_HolidayRoad.lms - Light-O-Rama sequence from 2014
[Contact Info]
Sequence Author: John Storms
Email: listentoourlights@gmail.com
Youtube: http://youtube.com/listentoourlights <-- please subscribe
Website: Listen To Our Lights
Facebook: Listen to our Lights
I don't share music. Below is information for how to purchase and edit the song to get the same mp3 file I used.
Holiday Road by Lindsey Buckingham From the Album Solo Anthology: The Best of Lindsey Buckingham (2018 Remaster)
Song Link: https://www.amazon.com/Holiday-Road-Remastered/dp/B07HKNT87F
Original filename: "05 - Holiday Road (2018 Remaster).mp3"
Song was not edited before sequencing.
Put mp3 file in the Audio subdirectory
Using Moises.ai | Mastering & Audio Extraction App powered by AI to break out tracks (Drums, Bass, Other)
Used moises.ai to help breakdown song.
94 beats per minute in F major.
Used Auto Lyrix Align to import the MP3 and Lyrics to generate a Audacity File .txt that was then directly imported into xlights as a timing track
[Layout Notes]
Display contains 2 megatrees with matrixes encircling the trunks, 13 white wire twig trees in a treeline, 9 reindeer and sleigh, pixel icicle lights, a mess of coro snowflakes, and a pixelized cactus.
See Images/layout_guide.PNG for layout information.
G1 - refers to the one car garage
G2 - refers to the two car garage
T1 - refers to the left side of the house (left peak and below)
T2 - refers to the middle part of the house (there's a bathroom here)
T3 - refers to the right side of the house (right peak and below)
_ - Group names start with underscore
Goto "Display Elements" and select "ListenToOurLights" view and set to be master view.
You may need to update the path information in certain effects (shader, picture, etc.). The following were used in this sequence:
Start: ~11s
Source: Holiday Road - National Lampoon's Vacation Soundtrack
I found out long ago
oh oh oh
It's a long way down the holiday road
oh oh oh
Holiday Road
Holiday Road
Jack be nimble, Jack be quick
oh oh oh
Take a ride on the West Coast kick
oh oh oh
Holiday Road
Holiday Road
Holiday Road
Guitar go crazy
I found out long ago
oh oh oh
It's a long way down the holiday road
oh oh oh
Holiday road
Holiday road
Holiday road
Holiday road
oh oh oh
oh oh oh
oh oh oh
dog barking
oh oh oh
guitar ending
[Singing Tree]
Purchased "EFL Singing Tree" with star topper from EFL-Designs.com in December 2021.
Tree has 300 WS2811 bullet pixels and the star topper has 50 pixels for a total of 350 pixels.![]()
EFL Singing Tree - EFL Designs Coro Props
Singing Tree. Tree is over nearly 5ft tall. Has the stump and star that mounts to the back used as backer plates. Tree slit for shipping. 300 nodes in the tree model 50 nodes in the star. Native 2 layer 30, 20 star in xlights 350 total nodes Optional alternate bow topper for the tree.www.efl-designs.com
Tree model was downloaded from EFL-Designs.com and Star model used xlights native star model.
Star model is configured as 1 string of 50 Nodes/String with 2 layers with an Outer to Inner Ratio of 2.62
[3D Model]
ArrowWood 4199578.obj/.mtl was created with SketchUp Pro 2021 version 21.0.339 64-bit (Free Evaluation) using a .skp file generated by Hover app as input.
squarebush*.obj/mtl was created using Blender v2.79b
bigtree.obj/mtl was created using Blender v2.79b
Defined ruler with G2 Garage width = 190.75"