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Mazaka Kids Africana

Sequence Mazaka Kids Africana

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Mazaka Kids Africana - Please purchase at Amazon Music
The Masaka Kids Africana is composed of African children, from the age of 2 and up. Many have lost one or both parents through the devastation of war, famine and disease. They represent all the children of a continent and they demonstrate the potential of African children to become strong leaders for a better future in their land.

The children melt the hearts of audiences with their charming smiles and delightful African tunes, accompanied by vibrant dance moves. Nearly every performance is concluded with a thunderous standing ovation. A marvelous by-product of the concert is the inspiration the music brings to virtually every listener. In spite of the tragedy that has marred their young lives, the children are radiant with hope, musically gifted and wonderfully entertaining.

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Amazon Link : Grateful by Masaka Kids Africana on Amazon Music - Amazon.com
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