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National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation

Sequence & Lyrics National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation

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Song Name
National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation
Kathryn Jones
Ha, ha, what can I say. It's Christmas Vacation!
Sequence Video
  1. Video Link Added
  • National Lampoon's Christmas Vaca.mp4
    84.8 MB

Latest reviews

Thanks for your time. I'm learning from your hard work
Ross Castona
Ross Castona
Thank you very much for your reviews and comments! Yes, xlights is quite the software, amazing what you can do with it. A very big THANK YOU to the developers!!! I started 5 years ago, and still learning things you can do. Again, thanks for the reviews and have a Great Holiday Season!
This is fantastic and thank you so much for sharing! It's such an iconic song and I can't wait to see it tonight. This is my first imported sequence. I've been making my own since 2018...this took me about 10 hours less :-)
Ross Castona
Ross Castona
Thanks for the comment! Ha, ha yah, I started in this hobby myself about 2018-2019. It was hopefully find some free sequences or make your own or spend a lot of money. So with that thought in mind , I thought I'd give back to community. My biggest joke to myself, 100 hours sequencing for 3 minute song. Hope it works out for you and have a Great Holiday Season!
Using this as starting point for my first project, was really helpful to see what's possible
Ross Castona
Ross Castona
Thank you for the comment and welcome to the hobby! I think you'll have a fun time doing it.
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