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Sequence Red Christmas - By Kylie Cantrall

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Song Name
Red Christmas
Kylie Cantrall
Here is my Red Christmas sequence. I don't know how it will look on other displays. I don't have many single props mapped in this, so the mapping should be pretty easy. It does run off the music video, which is included. Please support the Artist. One note about the mapping, you can consider the Showstop fountain the "mega Tree" for map sake. I have included 2 YouTube links. The recorded video is older version to the xLights preview video. I saw the recorded and changed some things during verse 2.

Lastly, the beginning is supposed to be all white, but I had some color in my recorded version. I think I fixed that in the sequence. Ignore my star in the upper right, it is a problem child right now.

Sequence Video
  1. Video Link Added
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  1. Download link fixed

    I fixed the link so anyone can download it. Sorry if you had issues before.
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