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Shut Up and Dance

Lyrics Shut Up and Dance

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Song Name
Shut Up and Dance
Walk the Moon
FREE SEQUENCE from Listen To Our Lights "Shut Up and Dance" by Walk the Moon from the album "Talking is Hard (Expanded Edition)" vocals for singing faces. This is 1 of 2 songs selected for the 2023 xLights Around the World Event. Includes timing tracks for lyrics, vocals, and beats. Good starting point for sequencing the whole song. See the included README.txt for details. Amazon link to song is there and in the metadata of the sequence.
Link to Sequence: Shut up and Dance - Walk The Moon (Lyrics).zip
Video Preview:
Song Link: Amazon.com

Xlights Version: 2023.11 64-bit
Timing: 25 ms (40 fps)
Duration: 199.080s

"Shut up and Dance - Walk The Moon.xsq" - This file contains the xLights programming information for the sequence
xlights_rgbeffects.xml - This file contains the layout information for ListenToOurLights display
xlights_networks.xml - This file contains the network information for the ListenToOurLights display
Images/layout_guide.PNG - image describing xLights layout groups used to sequence this song
"Shut up and Dance - Walk The Moon.xtiming" - exported xLights timing tracks for vocal, lyrics and beats

[Contact Info]
Sequence Author: John Storms
Email: listentoourlights@gmail.com
Youtube: http://youtube.com/listentoourlights <-- please subscribe
Website: Listen To Our Lights
Facebook: Listen to our Lights

I don't share music. Below is information for how to purchase and edit the song to get the same mp3 file I used.

"Shut Up and Dance" by Walk the Moon from the album "Talking is Hard (Expanded Edition)"
Released 2014
Song Link: Amazon.com

Original filename: "03 - Shut Up and Dance.mp3"
Put mp3 file in the Audio subdirectory

128 beats per minute. C# Major. 441hz
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