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Wonderful Christmastime

Sequence & Lyrics Wonderful Christmastime

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Song Name
Wonderful Christmastime
Paul McCartney & Wings
Here is my version of Wonderful Christmastime by Paul McCartney & Wings. I'm surprised it isn't a sequence that is already out there to a greater degree than it is, it is a Christmas classic.

Thanks to those others that freely share on this site that have given me the opportunity to use, learn and expand on their sequences for my own display. So here is my version of Wonderful Christmastime by Paul McCartney & Wings built from scratch.
I've gone through the pain of hearing Linda McCartney's bum notes and bad timing on the keyboard a few hundred times (God rest her soul) for you so think yourselves lucky that I took the bullet for you.

I'm pleased how it has come out and hope that you enjoy. Should anyone use it I'd love to see their videos of this.

mp3 included as a courtesy, please purchase or already own it if you wish to use the file.


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Thanks. This'll make me learn loads.
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