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A Very Merry Christmas Card Video/Static Lights Sequence

Christmas Sequence A Very Merry Christmas Card Video/Static Lights Sequence

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Ross Castona

Sequence Sharer
Ross Castona submitted a new sequence:

A Very Merry Christmas Card Video/Static Lights Sequence

I made this static lights sequence last year, out of a DVD I made over 20 years ago. Last year was my first year using a projector in my show, so I thought it might work as a before, in between and after show sequence as my tune to info ran. It also gives me the chance to check out some props, projector and transmitter operation. Thought I would share if anyone would be interested. Link to YouTube video:

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Hey this is some great Christmas music from when I was a kid (back before dirt) - not a rapper, or a death metal band, in the mix. Thx !!

Ross Castona

Sequence Sharer
Hey! Thanks for the comments. Ya, like I mentioned, I made a DVD, I'm going to say 25 years ago. Christmas morning, the kids wanted the TV on and I wanted Christmas music playing. Boom there you have it, Christmas music and TV! Last year was my first year using a projector in the show and was thinking of more ways to use it. Learning more of this xlights stuff helped me figure out how to turn DVD into mp4 and use it on the projector. Adding some colors and effects and music to my pixels, I think it turned out nice for a pre-show, in-between and end of show for me. I start my Tune To matrix well before, during and after show. It scrolls dates, times and radio frequency. I thought, boy if someone tunes there radio, they better hear something. Again, thanks for the comment, and have a Great Holiday Season!
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