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Creating a 10-Minute Christmas Light Show Mashup – Need Tips on Merging Sequences!

I'm entering my fifth season of creating my Christmas light show, and over the years, I’ve purchased or completed around 30 different sequences. This year, I want to try something new: instead of just playing a playlist of songs, I’d love to create a single, cohesive 10-minute mashup that pulls highlights from each of these sequences.

Ideally, I’d like to take segments—like 30 seconds from one sequence, 45 seconds from another, and so on—and combine them into one continuous show without redoing all the effects. I’ve fine-tuned these effects over time, and they’re right where I want them, so I’d love to avoid starting from scratch.

I understand that I’ll need to edit the audio tracks together into one MP3, but I’m wondering if there’s a way to piece the lighting sequences together as well. Any advice or tips would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you in advance for any help!


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Hi, I guess your only chance is, once you have put the music track in place, to import each sequence effects (one at a time), shift them to the right place, and delete what is not needed. You could also retrieve the effects from the ".xsq" files for the times you want to extract, change the times manually according to your new music track (you can use an Excel Spreadsheet), and paste them into the final ".xsq" file. It is laborious, and any mistake takes all the work down, but it should work.
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