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Customizing Singing props.

Hey all, I have a question about setting up preset colors. I recently watched the Pixel Pro Displays Twinkle Tips here.

This answered most things, but not one.

I am looking to Force colors to a pumpkin and could use some custom phoneme boxes.

Question- Is there a way to add more and or rename phonemes to the Face definition area? And who do we talk to to get this feature added if not?

During the PPD tip Clyde changes the Face Outline 2 to be the base. From what i can tell you cant change the names or add any at this time.

I am working with a Pumpkin with bow, and to change the Stem and Bow colors I currently am changing the Colors in the sub models which works fine but I think would be a lot easier through the "Face Definition"

Please let me know what I am missing or if there is a better way to do these action. Thanks!
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