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Mega tree information

Good morning,

I was wondering if you could help provide information about mega trees? I’m looking to replace my 16 strand A/C mega tree that’s about 12ft tall. What I’m wondering is how do I determine how many strands I need for a 180 degree tree? I’m not sure if this is the right place to ask this question.
that's kind of up to what you would like to do or what works with your controller
although THIS maybe of some help
My suggestion is to consider how far back you will be watching the tree from and choose spacing and # of strands accordingly. We watch our show from about 200' away and built a 12.5' (150") tall tree using 3" spacing and 16 strands (50 pixels per strand) for a 180 degree tree and now wish I had higher density. I have two strands (up and down = 100 pixels) on each output so it requires a controller with 8 outputs for this tree, this works with 5V pixels without power injection. The tree looks good for most general background lighting effects but lacks definition when we try and put singing faces or high definition sequences on it.
If I was to build it again I would go with minimum 2" spacings and add 50% more strands for a total of 24 on a 180 degree tree, double it if you are doing a full 360 degree tree.
That's my 2 cents, you won't be disappointed with too many!
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