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A modern, easy to navigate, simple to use site to share your very own created xLights Sequences.
Not only that, we offer a marketplace where you can sell your own sequences or showcase them as a vendor!

Newbie with Falcon F16V4 RTG Controller. Need help

Last year I purchased a couple of smaller up and over trees with the same controller. The vendor sent it with an SD Card with sequences already on it. This year I purchased a 32 strand tree from the same vendor with the F16V4 controller with expansion board. He was supposed to do the same deal with sequences already on an SD Card ready to go. He did not send an SD Card with sequences. I have tried all month to get ahold of him with no luck.

I've downloaded X-Lights and can create the prop and make a simple sequence. When I save the sequence file and put it on the SD card, it will not play on the tree. I have the controller in player mode. I don't have a clue what I'm doing wrong and have watched many hours of YouTube videos without finding an answer. I've just been playing the tree in test mode but sure would like to have it working for the family this weekend.

If anyone could point me in the right direction, it surely would be appreciated. Thank you, and Merry Christmas!
not sure why you'd want to put it on a CD ?
in Xlights go to "tools"
then go to "FPP Connect"
then upload the sequence to your controller from there
@fugley Are you able to run xschedule off of the controller as well? I am also running a F16V4 but am currently using an old laptop to run my sequences and schedule.
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