Welcome to xLights Sequences

A modern, easy to navigate, simple to use site to share your very own created xLights Sequences.
Not only that, we offer a marketplace where you can sell your own sequences or showcase them as a vendor!

Skillet - Monster

Halloween Sequence Skillet - Monster

No permission to download
Can I ask everyone, is there anything wrong with our sequence?

We will quickly fix it as soon as possible.
don't stress its well done !!
not a great fan of boring Christmas song and this works well with snowflakes SS spinner & snowflake :ROFLMAO:


Sequence Sharer
don't stress its well done !!
not a great fan of boring Christmas song and this works well with snowflakes SS spinner & snowflake :ROFLMAO:
I saw some houses that were downloaded and had some effects that didn't load, so I was afraid that my friends would feel very bad. 😅
hi, i am still unable to get the rar file to work :(
PLEASE forgive me if i come across a little rude here its not intended
in the above download there is a LOT of unnecessary stuff been zipped in to a RAR file (another form of zip file)
open this rar file with winrar or what ever you use to open zip files
you'll find a folder name monster open this
then you'll find the only file you really need "Monster.xsqz"
xlights zips up everything needed within this zip file, shaders, mp3 bla bla

you wouldn't normally need to open this zip although if you wish to see how the person did there layout or maybe get an mp3 file ( lost folder) its all within

from within xlights go to import effects and pick the Monster.xsqz (not the rar file you've download but the .xsqz file within the rar file, all the other files within the rar are already in the .xsqz file and are unnecessary)
In the recently edited version, you have a zip file then inside the zip file you have the .xsqz file. the xsqz file is all that's needed to import, it would probably be less confusing if you just replaced the download with that directly.


Sequence Sharer
In the recently edited version, you have a zip file then inside the zip file you have the .xsqz file. the xsqz file is all that's needed to import, it would probably be less confusing if you just replaced the download with that directly.
I'm just in case, I'm afraid that one of the zip files or xsqs file has a problem so I'll give you 2 files.
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