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A modern, easy to navigate, simple to use site to share your very own created xLights Sequences.
Not only that, we offer a marketplace where you can sell your own sequences or showcase them as a vendor!

Sequences by Mel
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  • Between 3rd & 11th of December - Purchase any 2 sequences below & the 3rd is free! You will need to message me the sequence you would like free, and please remember I am located in Australia (so may not be awake when you are)
    -Let it Go - Frozen
    -Happily Ever After Disney Mash up
    -Fantasmic with Walt Disney Intro
    -Under the Sea The Little Mermaid
    -Disney Pixar Medley
    -Once there was a Snowman
    -Star Wars Main theme
    Love that Taylor Swift sequence, you should be selling that... Not sure if you're looking for ideas of songs to sequence but I would love to see a sequence for Invisible from the movie Klaus on Netflix, none exist at this time. I would definitely pay for that sequence, and it has a cool video that goes with it and has the words for a Matrix.

    Keep up the great sequencing work!
    Sequences by Mel
    Sequences by Mel
    Hi @nfalzone thank you, glad you like the sequence! Always open to ideas for new sequences 😍.I haven't seen that show - the music doesn't really grab me unfortunately.
    I hope to get some more sequences published next year, I have a bunch, they are just full of rookie errors, and it takes quite a bit of time to fix them - and I'm critiquing them while fixing, and want to make them better.
    This is a sneak preview of a sequence I am working on at the moment

    We visited Disney World for the first time this year and I wanted to bring some of the Happily Ever After Magic Kingdom fireworks show to our house this Christmas, this sequence is a blend of 9 catchy Disney tunes melded into one

    I will update again when this sequence is ready to be released.
    Hi Mel,
    I've visited Disney in Florida a good few times over the years but not for a while now, most recent excuse to do so in the future is a big birthday for my wife.
    Once you've been, you have to go back, it gets in your head and draws you back.
    This sequence looks truly inspiring, thanks for sharing.
    Sequences by Mel
    Sequences by Mel
    Thank you! We had the absolute best holiday ever at Disney world I want to go back soooooo badly. It took us 44hrs travel time each way (via Honolulu) it is such a trek from here, but one I would do again in a heart beat! My favourite rides are Tron and Guardians, if you haven't been for awhile you might not have done them yet? They are simply amazing!
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