Welcome to xLights Sequences

A modern, easy to navigate, simple to use site to share your very own created xLights Sequences.
Not only that, we offer a marketplace where you can sell your own sequences or showcase them as a vendor!

Search results

  1. Cornish Pixel Pixie

    *IMPORTANT* - Purchase Issues

    Hi Ron I am sorry to here that you have had an Issue with one of my sequences and will do my best to sort this out for you. While I try and sort out what the issue is, if you send me your layout, I will map the song to it for you free of charge and also as an apology, if where is a song that...
  2. Cornish Pixel Pixie

    “I’d buy that for a Dollar!”

    I’m going to be uploading 10 sequences at just $1.50 each, I will also do an all 10 pack for $10 (so $1 per sequence) interested?
  3. Cornish Pixel Pixie

    Can 10.7 million people on YouTube be wrong??

    Hi it should be on the site to purchase, it you are having issues, I will try and sort them out. Just let me know.
  4. Cornish Pixel Pixie

    Music Sequence Welcome to New York by Taylor Swift [Deleted]

    Cornish Pixel Pixie submitted a new sequence: Welcome to New York by Taylor Swift Read more about this resource...
  5. Cornish Pixel Pixie

    Music Sequence Victoria's Secret by JAX

    Cornish Pixel Pixie submitted a new sequence: Victoria's Secret by JAX Read more about this resource...
  6. Cornish Pixel Pixie

    Paid Sequence & Lyrics Victoria's Secret by JAX

    Xlights sequence - Request of a song with over 10million views on Youtube.
  7. Cornish Pixel Pixie

    Christmas Sequence I Don't Know What Christmas Is (Guardians CS) [Deleted]

    Graham.UK submitted a new sequence: I Don't Know What Christmas Is (Guardians CS) Read more about this resource...
  8. Cornish Pixel Pixie

    Requested Sequence - Old 79's, I Don't Know What Christmas Is ( Guardians Christmas Special )

    I saw a request somewhere in here. so i gave it a go. Is it worth putting on here for sale?
  9. Cornish Pixel Pixie

    Can 10.7 million people on YouTube be wrong??

    I was asked to sequence this song for someone’s wife at the moments it’s specific to their show. But if you would like me to post it let me know.
  10. Cornish Pixel Pixie

    “Bare Bones” Files an attempt to get people Sequencing.

    Hi I have started a beginners group and I an attempt to get new people sequencing I am creating “Bare Bones” sequence files. These are not full sequences but a jumping off point. I couldn’t figure out how to upload a file so I have sent them by messenger, So hopefully they will be in the file...
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