Welcome to xLights Sequences

A modern, easy to navigate, simple to use site to share your very own created xLights Sequences.
Not only that, we offer a marketplace where you can sell your own sequences or showcase them as a vendor!

Search results

  1. Dave

    Sequences uploaded to Google Drive that require access

    I've recently had a lot of messages from members that have purchased sequences only to find they than need to request access to download them from the sellers google drive account. When uploading sequences to google drive, please make sure this is turned off so purchasers can download straight...
  2. Dave

    Music Sequence Can You (Point Your Fingers and Do the Twist?) - The Wiggles

    Dave submitted a new sequence: Can You (Point Your Fingers and Do the Twist?) - The Wiggles Read more about this resource...
  3. Dave

    *Done* Downtime within the next week

    Hi all, Just to let you know there will be some updates to the site carried out at some point over the next week. The site will be closed and offline for a short amount of time whilst this takes place. Thanks Dave
  4. Dave

    Members that login via Facebook *Please read*

    Sadly it seems that Facebook are changing the rules, and for a website such as this to use their facebook intergration i'd have to jump through a lot of impossible hurdles and also pay a monthy fee. As such, within the next month you won't be able to log into this site using your facebook...
  5. Dave

    Happy New Year

    Depending where you are, it might already be New year, however here in Blighty it's now only a few hours away. I just wanted to wish you all a Happy New year and a great 2024.
  6. Dave

    This mornings downtime

    Just to let you know the site was offline for 45 minutes at 1000hrs GMT today for server maintenance. Thanks Dave
  7. Dave

    PayPal Validation

    After purchasing a sequence, you may get an email from PayPal saying the payment needs to be validated. This is PayPal carrying out checks, as clarified by the email I receive: PayPal will debit the money from your account and then hold onto it whilst they carry out their checks. After this is...
  8. Dave

    Change to upload process of sequences

    As the site continues to grow, I have to look at ways of making the site easier for everyone to use and for myself to manage. For the past few months there has been two ways for members to add sequences to the site. One was to upload the sequence direct, the second and most recent addition has...
  9. Dave

    Google still loves us!

    Just incase you was wondering what kind of exposure you would get by uploading your sequence here, let's see what Google says! Just look at that average position for the search words on Google search! Even if you want to list your sequence to sell, we get enough visitors that will see it...
  10. Dave

    Sequence Reviews

    Can I ask that if you download a free sequence, please leave a review or comment for the person that has kindly created it and uploaded it for free. Simply click the 'Leave a Rating' box on the sequence page.
  11. Dave

    New support system added to the forum

    This will be the second year for xlightseq.com and we're constantly listening to comments and working on ways to improve. At the top of the page you will now see a 'Support' section. From there you can drop us a message about any issues you are having on the forum, whether it be registration or...
  12. Dave

    Update to allow external downloads

    Hi everyone, I take onboard all feedback received and as this is a growing site with lots of uploads and downloads, it can take a little while to get everything working in sync. I've added a option where instead of uploading sequences direct to the site, you can instead upload them to a free...
  13. Dave

    RGB Seqeunces has a new website. Please do NOT purchase from their old domain.

    RGB Sequences has a new website =AT2QAy7i-q-Zx4ElMKsOVbtS4ckKyheVxcoonBo7REpebgkD2zs2yKO_kkgJ5orKm5ik9f9J6N5ty-gKKnCI7gHsBm509Q6Np1tpvhjBv9OInDUPcN8mR_aJVWBVzgPRS_6VoFT1rqY-3o2oO33UN9pSc6_k2Z6NiqmGUy1nnSGQ9F5R__qZfaJUptS0RxHWStcEEG3YRlz_-FCV6RqvZg']https://rgb-sequences.com/ This is a result of...
  14. Dave

    Happy New Year!

    Happy new year everyone. Here's to a great 2023. Thank you all for being part of xLights Seqeunces in 2022 :D
  15. Dave

    How long have you been doing light shows? (xLights/LOR etc)

    Thought it would interesting to see how long members have been running their shows for, plus who doesn't love a poll!
  16. Dave

    Merry Christmas and Thank you!

    I would like to take this opputunity to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and hope that all your shows went well this year. Also, a huge thank you to everyone that has joined and submitted resources. When I started xLights Sequences this time last year, I never imagined it would turn into what...
  17. Dave

    *IMPORTANT* - Purchase Issues

    Recently there have been a few paypal claims raised. If you have any issues with a purchase, please contact myself and the seqeunce seller here on the website. You can start a conversation with myself in various ways, but here is a direct link - Contact Dave I have also made some changes to the...
  18. Dave

    Impaired website access - 5th December

    Seasons greetings, Just to let you know there will be some disruption to visiting the site on the 5th December around 0300hrs CET. This is due to server maintenance which should last no longer then 2 hours.
  19. Dave

    Christmas Style!

    I thought as it's the 1st December, a little bit of festivity on the site might be welcome! However, i'm sure this question will come up, so thought i'd pre-empt it! You can turn off the falling snow by following this link - https://xlightsseq.com/account/preferences and then ticking and saving...
  20. Dave

    Happy Thanksgiving 2022

    With Thanksgiving quickly approaching I would like to wish all out American members and anyone else that celebrates Thanksgiving a very happy one! You might have noticed a few little Thanksgiving touches on the forum ;) If this isn't for you, you can deactivate our season/event themes by going...
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