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Carol of The Bells - EPIC VERSION (by Samuel Kim)

Sequence Carol of The Bells - EPIC VERSION (by Samuel Kim)

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This was the first sequence I adapted for my first show this year.
very tasteful sequence. was able to apply it to my model without much effort.
Very good sinc and played well with the props used. Good choice of colors.
Love it... awesome base which i could use for my layout.... tweaked it a bit.... its looking stunning... nice job. Thanks for sharing.
Thank you for sharing!
Very nice job
I would like to see alot more dramatic effects on the megatree.
Valid critique - this is only the second year I've ever done a show, and my first year with a megatree. My style of sequencing tends to be a "less is more" style, but, we'll see how that evolves over the coming years.
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