Welcome to xLights Sequences

A modern, easy to navigate, simple to use site to share your very own created xLights Sequences.
Not only that, we offer a marketplace where you can sell your own sequences or showcase them as a vendor!

Latest reviews

Very good sinc and played well with the props used. Good choice of colors.
I love it! Thanks for sharing!
That's absolutely brilliant. Fits very well on my set up. Thank you. Definitely a Xmas movie!!!
I really enjoy this sequence!! You did a fantastic job!
Thanks, Had to do a good job as it one of the daughters fav songs.
I would really like to see others! You are really talented!
Many thanks :) My last show was in 2019 and then life and family took over so alas, I wont be putting out anymore, I wish I had the time!
Thanks! Would love to see how it looks on someone else's house if you get a chance. :)
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