Welcome to xLights Sequences

A modern, easy to navigate, simple to use site to share your very own created xLights Sequences.
Not only that, we offer a marketplace where you can sell your own sequences or showcase them as a vendor!

Let it Go - From Frozen

Paid Sequence & Lyrics Let it Go - From Frozen

Song Name
Let it Go
Idina Menzel
Would you rather stick a fork in your eye than sequence this song?
Are you torn between wanting to please the neighborhood kids (because that's why we do this right) and dropping $100 on a sequence?
Do you already have a 'Let it Go' sequence that has been done to death? Now you can cheaply interchange them every night.
Looking for a sequence to show off your high density prop?
Many many hours has gone into creating this sequence, I hope you like the end result as much as I do :)

Sequence video:

The sequence also contains the following bonus free video which can be used on a virtual matrix (or HD matrix) and the kids can dance along. This also doubles as the sequence audio.

Sequence shown on our display:

Props used in this sequence are as per the attached pic:
https://boscoyostudio.com/ [URL unfurl="true"]https://gilbertengineeringusa.com/
Sequence Video
  1. Video Link Added
  • Props used in sequence.png
    Props used in sequence.png
    671.1 KB · Views: 279

Latest updates

  1. Updated files

    The sequence audio now has two Mp3 options available in a second zip file, one which has been...

Latest reviews

super nice and ez to impot sequence.
Thank you
Excellent! Looks great on my layout and I will be using it in my show.
Sequences by Mel
Sequences by Mel
Great to hear! I'd love to see it if you have a link to your show.
Outstanding sequence and very easy to import.
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