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Night on Bald Mountain - Lights on Robin Lynn Ct

Paid Sequence Night on Bald Mountain - Lights on Robin Lynn Ct

Song Name
Night on Bald Mountain
Originally Modest Mussorgsky, but Fireballet did this mix
We've been running this sequence at Lights on Robin Lynn Court for a couple years now and am still impressed how many people like the "old music" as much as the new.

The music is "Night on Bald Mountain" (the song has also been called "Night on Bare Mountain) and originally composed by Mussorgsky. Fireballet remastered the song in 2014 and shortened it to it's 2:21 length while keeping most of the important sections.

We don't have all the props some pros use but we use Boscoyo mini-trees & stars, GE soldier crosses (our show raises money to support the Honor Flight Network), GE Spooky Tree (although re-wired from the standard GE prop), 4 floods lighting the front porch, and 6 "window floods" (which throw light from the inside of the windows, creating nice, clean dark edges to the light).

This is our first upload so if we're missing information, please let us know. We're happy to help!
Sequence Video
  1. Video Link Added
  • NightOn - Preview.mp4
    24.9 MB
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10.00 USD
First release
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    I was told that the video may not be appearing for everyone. I've uploaded it to my Vimeo page...
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