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Nutcracker Remix - Roupakia

Sequence Nutcracker Remix - Roupakia

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Dance of the Reed Flutes
Anastasia Roupakia
A 1 minute sequence to the very cool remix of dance of the sugar plum fairy by Anastasia Roupakia. This is my personal favorite sequence from my 2023 Christmas show. lots of detailed movement in the song, pauses, and very colorful shaders used throughout!

The audio was sped up a small percentage to match the tempo and energy of the other parts of my show.

A very common Christmas song, but a new remix that I feel like I discovered a little bit. It's great music!

Please do check out my other original sequences as I've put tremendous time into these, and love providing them to the community for free to help provide Christmas cheer for others. If you can ever share video of your show using my sequences, I would absoilutely love it!
Check out my other sequences here: Sequences by Aeronerd
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Love your shows. Can't believe 235+ people downloaded this but can't be bothered to write a thank you. Thanks for all your hard work!
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