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Defying Gravity

Halloween Sequence Defying Gravity

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Sequence Sharer
Adam submitted a new sequence:

Defying Gravity

Sequence to a slightly edited version of Defying Gravity from Wicked
Note: there have been a few minor tweaks to colours and effects since the video was recorded

My house layout is:
View attachment 1284

All House and Props excl SingingEverything except singing - top of render list
All House and Props excl Singing CloneEverything except singing - bottom of render list - for...

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Hey Adam,

I've purchased the music and mapped your sequence to my home in a way that looks nice. How do I clip the music to start at the same time to trim off the beginning of Elfie and Glenda talking?


Sequence Sharer
There's a few edits from the original recording. If you unzip the .xsqz there should be a file "Defying Gravity xLights.mp3" inside the audio directory which has the correct edits.
Hey... Love the sequence. I am trying to unzip this, but I am having issues. I comes up right away as an .xsqz file. When I extract... it only gives me one file. I would love this for my show, but can't map it. I am not getting the audio or anything. Just one file that is the xsqz. I am kind of a newb, but have mapped other sequences no problem. Am I missing anything here? Appreciate the help and happy Thanksgiving. My email is michael.riker@gmail.com also if that helps. Thanks again.


Sequence Sharer
Inaugural Member
Sequence Seller
Hey... Love the sequence. I am trying to unzip this, but I am having issues. I comes up right away as an .xsqz file. When I extract... it only gives me one file. I would love this for my show, but can't map it. I am not getting the audio or anything. Just one file that is the xsqz. I am kind of a newb, but have mapped other sequences no problem. Am I missing anything here? Appreciate the help and happy Thanksgiving. My email is michael.riker@gmail.com also if that helps. Thanks again.
Rename it from .xsqz to .zip
Rename it from .xsqz to .zip
Yup... That's all I had to do. I have 3 singing bulbs and would love to have them at the end to sing as a chorus if that makes any sense for a full finale. I will be using cold sparks during this also... Should be awesome!!! I need to get that last part in. If you happen to add something for the end. Pls let us know. Thanks again and the simple fact of renaming the file fixed it.
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