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A modern, easy to navigate, simple to use site to share your very own created xLights Sequences.
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God Bless America (Damn Rock n' Roll)

Miscellaneous Sequence God Bless America (Damn Rock n' Roll)

Sequences by Mel

Sequence Sharer
Sequence Seller
Sequences by Mel submitted a new sequence:

God Bless America (Damn Rock n' Roll)

Through the xLights community I recently discovered the music of Kyle Daniel, and immediately knew I wanted to sequence one of his songs, so what better excuse than key American holidays.

This versatile sequence can be used for Memorial Day, Veterans Day, Fourth of July and even Christmas if you wish. The sequence itself is the same, so you only have to map it once, but there are 3 accompanying videos (all included in the purchase) for your matrix, so you can interchange easily between...

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