Welcome to xLights Sequences

A modern, easy to navigate, simple to use site to share your very own created xLights Sequences.
Not only that, we offer a marketplace where you can sell your own sequences or showcase them as a vendor!

Let it Go - From Frozen

Christmas Sequence Let it Go - From Frozen

Sequences by Mel

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Sequence Seller
adnilem submitted a new resource:

Let it Go - From Frozen

Would you rather stick a fork in your eye than sequence this song?
Are you torn between wanting to please the neighborhood kids (because that's why we do this right) and dropping $100 on a sequence?
Do you already have a 'Let it Go' sequence that has been done to death? Now you can cheaply interchange them every night.
Looking for a sequence to show off your high density prop?
Many many hours has gone into creating this sequence, I hope you like the end result as much as I do :)...

Read more about this resource...

Sequences by Mel

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  • #2
If you have any troubles downloading after purchase, just message me and I will send you a direct link. Please note I am in Australia and may be in a different time zone to you, but will respond ASAP.

Sequences by Mel

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  • #4
Hi.. do u have a link to see this upgraded version
Hi, I only have the one version - I was just referring that, if you purchase the sequence, and can't download the file through this site, let me know and I will send you an alternate link to download it from (the same sequence).


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Once you have purchased a sequence, you can download it via two ways.


Click on the arrow next to sequences and then select 'Your licences' OR


Click on your username and click on 'My Licences'
The download link will then be displayed.

Sequences by Mel

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  • #6
Sequences by Mel updated Let it Go - From Frozen with a new update entry:

Updated files

The sequence audio now has two Mp3 options available in a second zip file, one which has been modified in Audacity to amplify the beginning of the song so that it can be heard outside more easily. The files have also been normalised through MP4 Gain. You are responsible for audio copyright, these files are included in the download, but the sale price is for the xlights sequence only.

Read the rest of this update entry...
Sequence looks great until the 29 second mark. The sequence freezes but the audio plays fine. I have mapped the sequence twice and the sequence froze again at that same place. Any suggestions?

Sequences by Mel

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  • #8
Sequence looks great until the 29 second mark. The sequence freezes but the audio plays fine. I have mapped the sequence twice and the sequence froze again at that same place. Any suggestions?
Hi I'll send you a PM to help troubleshoot as there aren't any effects that start at 29 seconds and nothing bulky I can see that range that might be causing it :-( It might be specific to a prop in your layout that isn't liking an effect that is mapped as I haven't had any other reports of the same issue.
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