Welcome to xLights Sequences

A modern, easy to navigate, simple to use site to share your very own created xLights Sequences.
Not only that, we offer a marketplace where you can sell your own sequences or showcase them as a vendor!

Merry Christmas and Thank you!


Sequence Sharer
Inaugural Member
Sequence Seller
I would like to take this opputunity to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and hope that all your shows went well this year.
Also, a huge thank you to everyone that has joined and submitted resources.
When I started xLights Sequences this time last year, I never imagined it would turn into what it has today. As of today, with over 3800 members and over 370 sequences added to the site, I find that truly remarkable.
More so with the members that as well as submitting free sequences, have also added paid sequences to the site.I find it extraordinary how succesful this has been, and is a win win for everyone.
The seller is then encouraged to create more sequences, xLights users get a wider choice of sequences to use in their show and it helps cover the cost of keeping this site running for everyone.

With it being very busy on the site this last month, a lot has been learned on what can be improved to make things even better for next year.
So once again, thank you so much for being part of xLights Sequences, and I hope you all have an amazing festive period and an amazing New Year.

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Thank You ! for this site and bringing it back to a hobby
so many just look for the dollar now
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