Welcome to xLights Sequences

A modern, easy to navigate, simple to use site to share your very own created xLights Sequences.
Not only that, we offer a marketplace where you can sell your own sequences or showcase them as a vendor!

Moana - How Far I'll Go

Music Sequence Moana - How Far I'll Go

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Sequences by Mel

Sequence Sharer
Sequence Seller
Sequences by Mel submitted a new resource:

Moana - How Far I'll Go

This is one of the easiest sequences you will ever map! It contains 3 elements: All Display group, Singing Face & a Matrix to display a video if you wish.

This was a request a couple of nights ago from one of the viewers at our show, so I've put this together very last minute - hope your viewers enjoy it too.

My other sequences can be found here: Sequences by Mel

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Sequence Seller
Following on from my review and how amazing a seqeunce can look with just 3 things to map, I thought i'd share how it looked on my house. Obviously every house is different, so when you see a seqeunce that has minimal mapping you might be dubious. Don't be dubious, espcially for the grand sum of $0!

View attachment How Far Moana.mp4
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