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Christmas Sequence Pentatonix - O Come, All Ye Faithful

Hello Just purchased O-come ,all Ye Faithful my issue is mapping. I see you have a matrix in the lower right corner. In mapping I do not see a matrix. Unless your calling it something else
.Where or what is the matrix under in the mapping. Thank you

Mad Pharmacist Light Show

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Sorry to take a while to respond.

Technically, the "matrix" is a set of 13 individual Wally's Waterfall Tubes from Wally's Lights (7 long and 6 short). I arranged them in a pattern to mimic the white and black keys of a piano from middle C to C2.

The group is "Keyboard."

In this sequence, I used effects on the group rather than the individual tunes, so I believe it should map easily to a matrix.
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