Welcome to xLights Sequences

A modern, easy to navigate, simple to use site to share your very own created xLights Sequences.
Not only that, we offer a marketplace where you can sell your own sequences or showcase them as a vendor

Questions- I would like advice as to where is the best place to start.

I am new to this. I just need advice on where to start. I know it’s not happening this year. But, I’d like to start now for next maybe Halloween and Christmas. I have almost a year home year to get what I need and set it all up. Any advice would really help me. I appreciate you all, thank you!
I am new to this. I just need advice on where to start. I know it’s not happening this year. But, I’d like to start now for next maybe Halloween and Christmas. I have almost a year home year to get what I need and set it all up. Any advice would really help me. I appreciate you all, thank you!
This forum is weird. I am new here and came from the LOR "system" to Xlights this year. This is the most inactive forum I have been part of in terms of people responding. I had a similar thread with ton of views and not one response. Coming from the LOR forums it was the complete opposite. Lot's of people engage but here people seem more shy. LOL.

Question, do you have light props already? Do you have controllers? Have you done this before?
I am new to this. I just need advice on where to start. I know it’s not happening this year. But, I’d like to start now for next maybe Halloween and Christmas. I have almost a year home year to get what I need and set it all up. Any advice would really help me. I appreciate you all, thank you!
I think this forum is more geared or focused on sequences which is likely why the lack of responses. Understandable. I am trying to find out the best forums to join as well.


Sequence Sharer
Inaugural Member
Sequence Seller
Facebook is the place to look for starting out. This forum is based around sequences.
You need to do a search for xLights, this is the program most everyone uses for making the sequences. You can also check out Canispater Christmas on Youtube he has some very good videos he did on this but there are others as well. Then you will need to decide on which controllers, pixels (lights), props, etc. you want to use.


Sequence Sharer
Sequence Seller
Xlights is the free program that is used to program the lights. xlights.org
If you want to learn about the hardware side... go hang out in the Zoom room (linked at the top right on xlights).

If you want to program your own sequences, there are lots of resources to learn.
There were beginner, intermediate, and advanced sequencing classes, and lots of other related topics shared at Virtual Christmas Summit that you can watch on youtube. https://www.youtube.com/@VirtualChristmasSummit
Xlights Gems has lots of good stuff from the Wednesday night webinars. https://www.youtube.com/@xlightsgems
I also follow Xtreme Sequences Monday Minute https://www.youtube.com/@xTremeSequences
and Pixel Pro Displays Twinkle Tips Friday. https://www.youtube.com/@PixelProDisplays

On facebook, check out the xlights sequence sharers group:
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