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Timing Tracks

I just am getting into xlights. A friend of mine told me that timing tracks were rather difficult to create, and since I'm a musician, I figured that might be something I could bring my skills to the community with. I honestly have tons of experience syncing music to timing (from djing and writing music) so I figured it would be worth a shot.

Do you guys have any suggestions on songs that would be good for making timing tracks? I'm not interested in designing full light shows, just getting timing all sorted out so someone else can easily keep the lights in sync. What are good things to include in the timing track? Would anyone out here need some help getting a timing track together for their upcoming halloween show?


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My daughter is musically gifted and she had her own cottage business of doing timing tracks for people. She had more work than she could ever address and basically picked and chose her favorite customers. She stopped a few years back to go to college, but at the time it was a good way to make some bucks on the side.

In terms of what would be good songs, anything that is popular.
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