Welcome to xLights Sequences

A modern, easy to navigate, simple to use site to share your very own created xLights Sequences.
Not only that, we offer a marketplace where you can sell your own sequences or showcase them as a vendor!

which folder do i add the sequence into?

Hello im not super at computer, i can use xlights and all that but when it comes to jump around the folders i gets totally lost..
i just downloaded a free seqence with singing face, for my megatree.

afraid to do something wrong :/ and who have time to tell where please ?


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When you download a sequence, you can copy the files in any folder and open it to se what is inside, or you can just import the effects into your show.

In the first case, in xLights, in "controllers" tab", you have to select the folder where you downloaded the sequence. If you select the wrong folder, xLights will warn you. Normally the "show" folder is where you copied the files or in a subfolder. If you succeed, you can see the original models of the sequence. Then you go to "Sequencer" tab and open the sequence file ("*.xsq" that will be where you copied the files or in a subfolder). And that's it. Normally everything is in place and you can press the "render" button (the icon is a painting table) to see the effects. It colud be that since your files folder is not the oiginal, the paths are wrong for the pictures, videos, singing faces pictures, etc. If this is the case, you can edit the "*.xsq" file and replace the paths with yours (try ot to touch anything else), or you can got effect by effect and open the files manually. For faces definition, there is an option in the "layout" tab for each model to edit the faces.

Second case is to import the effects into your show. In this case you have just to map the effects to your models, and again, look for any wrong path and correct it.

I hope this helps you.,

When you download a sequence, you can copy the files in any folder and open it to se what is inside, or you can just import the effects into your show.

In the first case, in xLights, in "controllers" tab", you have to select the folder where you downloaded the sequence. If you select the wrong folder, xLights will warn you. Normally the "show" folder is where you copied the files or in a subfolder. If you succeed, you can see the original models of the sequence. Then you go to "Sequencer" tab and open the sequence file ("*.xsq" that will be where you copied the files or in a subfolder). And that's it. Normally everything is in place and you can press the "render" button (the icon is a painting table) to see the effects. It colud be that since your files folder is not the oiginal, the paths are wrong for the pictures, videos, singing faces pictures, etc. If this is the case, you can edit the "*.xsq" file and replace the paths with yours (try ot to touch anything else), or you can got effect by effect and open the files manually. For faces definition, there is an option in the "layout" tab for each model to edit the faces.

Second case is to import the effects into your show. In this case you have just to map the effects to your models, and again, look for any wrong path and correct it.

I hope this helps you.,
It worked thanks 🥳
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