Welcome to xLights Sequences

A modern, easy to navigate, simple to use site to share your very own created xLights Sequences.
Not only that, we offer a marketplace where you can sell your own sequences or showcase them as a vendor!

Recent content by Dave

  1. Dave

    Christmas Sequence TAKE ON ME

    Hi @cardu25 , I've had to disable sales of this sequence as the download link isn't working.
  2. Dave

    Christmas Sequence The Present by Forrest Frank

    Click on the tab that says 'Overview' and it will show you a video.
  3. Dave

    Christmas Sequence Santa Looked a Lot Like Daddy (Short version)

    Hi, Could you have a look at this and edit the permissions please. Let me know when it's done and i'll set the seqeunce to available again. https://xlightsseq.com/threads/sequences-uploaded-to-google-drive-that-require-access.5365/
  4. Dave

    Christmas Sequence That's not a Christmas Tree

    .xsqv is the new xLights file format. You can rename it from .xsqv to .zip and import it the old fashioned way.
  5. Dave

    Christmas Sequence Meghan Trainor - Jingle Bells

    If it's a .xsqz file, just rename it to .zip and do it the old fashioned way.
  6. Dave

    Christmas Sequence Red Christmas

    This is the new way xLights packages sequences. You can simpy change the .xsqz to .zip and handle them the old way.
  7. Dave

    Christmas Sequence Gnu Faces - All I want for Christmas is You - Mariah Carey

    Hi @Gnu The video you added is showing as unavilable.
  8. Dave

    Christmas Sequence Blink 182 I Won't Be Home For Christmas

    Hi @hamwow67 , I've had to disable sales for the moment because members won't be able to download straight away after purchase. If you could follow this thread and let me know when it's done and I will re-enable...
  9. Dave

    Christmas Sequence Last Christmas

    You also need to edit your Google Drive settings so it's available to anyone. That way when someone purchases and get's the link they can download it straight away. Sales disabled until you have done this.
  10. Dave

    Christmas Sequence Do You Hear what I Hear - For King & Country [Deleted]

    @Dancing Lights Design should have listed this in the 'Vendor Sequences' section which would then take you direct to their site to make the purchase. I have refunded you the fee @Dancing Lights Design has paid to the site, but I would advise dropping them a message to get the file, and if no...
  11. Dave

    Halloween Sequence Defying Gravity

    Rename it from .xsqz to .zip
  12. Dave

    pink floyd

    Just the one it seems https://vividsequences.com/product/proper-education-eric-prydz-vs-pink-floyd/
  13. Dave

    Share, Buy & Sell Sequences!

    There certainly is! If you goto your dashboard, there is an option to add discounts - https://xlightsseq.com/sequences/market-place-dashboard/discounts
  14. Dave

    Sequences uploaded to Google Drive that require access

    I've recently had a lot of messages from members that have purchased sequences only to find they than need to request access to download them from the sellers google drive account. When uploading sequences to google drive, please make sure this is turned off so purchasers can download straight...
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