A modern, easy to navigate, simple to use site to share your very own created xLights Sequences. Not only that, we offer a marketplace where you can sell your own sequences or showcase them as a vendor!
Christmas xLights sequence of "Todo Es Posible En Navidad" by David Bisbal.
This is a beautiful Christmas song with a lot of rhythm.
Another sequence in Spanish to add to this small list. Always challenging sequencing lyrics in Spanish.
Check out my other sequences: Sequences by Javito
Hi, In case you are interested, I have upgraded the sequence "DJ Play A Christmas Song" by Cher to include the new version with Belinda in Spanish.
Javito updated Cher - DJ Play A Christmas Song with a new update entry:
DJ Play A Christmas Song original by Cher and with Belinda
Read the rest of this update entry...
Christmas xLights sequence of "DJ Play A Christmas Song " by Cher & Belinda
Included the new version by Cher & Belinda
Check out my other sequences: https://xlightsseq.com/sequences/authors/javito.398/
Hi. If you have downloaded the "The Polar Express.xsqz" file then you have everything. Clicking to the file will open the sequence in xLights in folder different of mine, so it is probable that the reference to the video is incorrect. But the video is there. Try this: change the "xsqz" extension...
Hi. I see you have just purchased this song. Be aware that I have just updated the sequence to include the Spanish version and a beautiful multilanguaje version. So please download it again. Enjoy them!
Hi. Pay attention that you are downloading a "xsqz" file that is not a sequence file but a "ZIP" file that xLights is able to open directly. If you rename the file to ".ZIP", you can see its contents:
Actually even ion Google Drive, you can see the contents of the file:
Inside the "Shaders"...
I have uploaded a Spanish version of Moana 2 end titles "Al final"
Christmas xLights Sequence of "Al final" (Moana 2 end titles) by Emilia Mernes
English and Multilanguage versions are also included.
Multilanguage version is an unique sequence that indludes the Disney song in 21 languages.
Check out my other sequences: Sequences by Javito
I have included the new version by David Bisbal together with the former version. The sequence is mostly the same but there are some changes since the sections and the rythm are different. I like the new one more :)
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