Welcome to xLights Sequences

A modern, easy to navigate, simple to use site to share your very own created xLights Sequences.
Not only that, we offer a marketplace where you can sell your own sequences or showcase them as a vendor!

Search results

  1. Javito

    New user need some help

    Hi. Did you press the "render" button after the import? Also clicking on any effect should force xLights to render it
  2. Javito

    xLights Sequence Requests

    Here you have one :) https://xlightsseq.com/sequences/i-dont-know-what-christmas-is-but-christmastime-is-here.406/
  3. Javito

    Paid Sequence & Lyrics I Dont Know What Christmas Is (But Christmastime Is Here)

    I Don't Know What Christmas Is (But Christmastime Is Here), from "The Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special"
  4. Javito

    Christmas Sequence I Dont Know What Christmas Is (But Christmastime Is Here)

    Javito submitted a new resource: I Dont Know What Christmas Is (But Christmastime Is Here) Read more about this resource...
  5. Javito

    Paid Sequence & Lyrics Santa Shark

    Christmas Sequence of "Santa Shark" by "Super Simple Songs"
  6. Javito

    Christmas Sequence Santa Shark

    Javito submitted a new resource: Santa Shark Read more about this resource...
  7. Javito

    Paid Sequence & Lyrics Coldplay - Coloratura xLights Christmas sequence

    This is a Christmas sequence of "Coloratura" by Coldplay. It is a quiet 10 minutes long song, that can be ideal to play at specific times so people can decide to move.
  8. Javito

    Christmas Sequence Coldplay - Coloratura xLights Christmas sequence

    Javito submitted a new resource: Coldplay - Coloratura xLights Christmas sequence Read more about this resource...
  9. Javito

    Christmas Sequence Ed Sheeran & Elton John - Merry Christmas. Sequenced by Javier Collazo [Deleted]

    Muchas gracias a ti. Me alegro que vayamos siendo más los que nos animamos con este hobbie. Ya verás qué bien se lo pasan los niños viendo las luces. Saludos.
  10. Javito

    Paid Sequence & Lyrics Drunken Sailor Christmas sequence

    Christmas sequence of "Drunken Sailor" by MALINDA ft. Bobby Waters.
  11. Javito

    Christmas Sequence Drunken Sailor Christmas sequence

    Javito submitted a new resource: Drunken Sailor Christmas sequence Read more about this resource...
  12. Javito

    Paid Sequence & Lyrics Michael Buble - Christmas (Baby Please Come Home)

    xLights Sequence of "Christmas (Baby Please Come Home)" by Michael Buble
  13. Javito

    Christmas Sequence Michael Buble - Christmas (Baby Please Come Home)

    Javito submitted a new resource: Michael Buble - Christmas (Baby Please Come Home) Read more about this resource...
  14. Javito

    Paid Sequence & Lyrics "As It Was" by Harry Styles

    Christmas xLights Sequence of "As It Was" by Harry Styles
  15. Javito

    Christmas Sequence "As It Was" by Harry Styles

    Javito submitted a new resource: "As It Was" by Harry Styles Read more about this resource...
  16. Javito

    Paid Sequence & Lyrics Drunken Sailor

    Halloween Sequence of "Drunken Sailor" by MALINDA ft. Bobby Waters. A sequence for your pirates party!
  17. Javito

    Halloween Sequence Drunken Sailor

    Javito submitted a new resource: Drunken Sailor Read more about this resource...
  18. Javito

    Hi. After importing the sequence in your show and mapping all the effects, click on "render"...

    Hi. After importing the sequence in your show and mapping all the effects, click on "render" button. You should see everything. Also try first the sequence in the original show provided. i hope this helps. Best Regards, Javier.
  19. Javito

    Halloween Sequence The Addams Family sequence with some changes

    Javito submitted a new resource: The Addams Family sequence with some changes Read more about this resource...
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