A modern, easy to navigate, simple to use site to share your very own created xLights Sequences. Not only that, we offer a marketplace where you can sell your own sequences or showcase them as a vendor!
Hi, maybe it is related with the importing process. I have realized that now, when importing sequences, all effects are locked. I don't remember to be that way before. If effects are locked and the option to not to render locked effects is on, the sequence will not render unless you click on...
The original song is from the youtube video
I removed a piece of the middle of the song using Audacity.
Pleaso find attached the Audacity project saved in v3.3.3 (latest).
Halloween Sequence of "Halloween Night (Holidayz in Hell)" by Figure.
Song belonging to Holidayz In Hell Haunted House Walk-through at Universal Studios Hollywood Halloween Horror Nights 2023.
Hi. Does the name of the file contain the character ' or other special char? Those chars should be avoided. I had many problems with the uploads due to that.
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