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Carol of the Bells

Sequence Carol of the Bells

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Song Name
Carol of the Bells
David Foster
This is my heavily edited sequence for David Foster's carol of the bells.

This sequence started from a free sequence, but I spent time to pretty heavily modify it for my application and style choices. I checked and only one sequence for this song is freely available on xlightsseq, so perhaps this revision will fit your display better?

If you like this sequence, please consider my others here: Sequences by Aeronerd

Sequence Video
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Latest reviews

Simply amazing
This was the first sequence I was able to add and map to my relatively simple pixel show. It absolutely blew my mind and made the entire installation worth it. Thank you so much for sharing.
that makes me so happy to hear! it was my first to run on lights two years ago as well! Such a cool feeling seeing the trees light up indoors on a trial run the first time :)
Worked out great for my show with some tweaks
Awesome. Send me a link if you ever take a video!
Looks great. My yard is not that wide and would have to decide between the small trees or the candy canes..
You can always map those groups to whatever prop(s) you like! Thanks for commenting. I hope you enjoy it!
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