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The Lion King - The Circle of Life

Sequence The Lion King - The Circle of Life

No permission to download
Song Name
The Circle of Life
Carmen Twillie and Lebo M.
This sequence is based on the excellent sequence by Daniel Renwick. This modified version was posted with his permission. I don't have a matrix so I incorporated a lot of the Matrix effects onto the megatree, along with other added effects and changes.

Video link:
Sequence Video
  1. Video Link Added

Latest updates

  1. The Lion King - The Circle of Life

    Updated to add link to purchase music from Amazon. No changes to the sequence.

Latest reviews

The best of the best. totally awesome
Beautiful sequence. I wish the element descriptions were more obvious for mapping.
Excellent sequence which was easy to apply to my yard
Excellent looks great, I love the way the animals move in front of the house.
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