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How to Insert a 10-Second Countdown Before a Completed Sequence Without Affecting the Music?

Hi everyone,

I’m a beginner with xLights, and this is my first year using it. I have a completed sequence, and I want to add a 10-second countdown at the beginning. However, I only want to shift the effects 10 seconds forward without changing the timing of the music. My goal is to have the countdown finish at 0, and then the music and effects start at the same time as they did before.

I’m struggling to shift both the effects and the music together. When I use "Shift Effects," it only moves the effects but not the music. How can I shift everything properly without ruining the alignment?

Thanks in advance for the help!


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Sequence Seller

You have to do two things: 1.-Edit the audio track to add 10 seconds of silence at the beginning (with audacity just drag the track to the right 10 seconds). 2.- In xLights, sequence settings, select the new audio track and then, in Edit menu, select shift all effects and enter 10000.
I hope this helps.
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